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Welcome to #PirataBlog

Hello there!

Welcome to our blog. In this post we'd love to give you a brief introduction of what it will be and what to expect!

Here you will find advice, opinions, comments on recipes and other useful things to know about the Amalfi Coast!

But not only that, here we will also update you on our scheduled events, our new dishes, the catch of the day and all our news.

If you would like to know more about our posts, we will be more than happy to answer you. Contact us by email and we will give you the info you want to know.

Hoping that you enjoy sharing our posts with your friends, we are waiting for you!

With love.

Il Pirata

Restaurant • Lounge Bar • Beach Club

Via Terramare - Praiano - Amalfi Coast - Italy

Telephone: +39 089 874377

Whatsapp: +39 350 0028702

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